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Søren Kudsk-Iversen

Anaesthetic Consultant

Ben Lacey


Jamie Lachman

Senior Research and Teaching Fellow

Kokila Lakhoo

Professor of Global Paediatric Surgery

Hubert Lam

Associate Professor, Course Director – MSc Global Health Science and ...

Thomas Lamb

Snake Bite Coordinator

Teresa Lambe

Professor of Vaccinology & Immunology, Calleva Head of Vaccine Immunology

Trudie Lang

Professor of Global Health Research

Winok Lapidaire

Principal Investigator

Chris Lavy

Professor of Orthopaedic and Tropical Surgery and Consultant Orthopaedic and ...

José Leal

Associate Professor

Douglas Leasure

Senior Researcher / Senior Data Scientist

Jennifer Lee

Data Manager (IDDO)

George Leeson

Professorial Fellow

Paul Leeson

Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine

Sarah Lewington

Professor of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, Director of Graduate Studies ...

Sonia Lewycka

Associate Professor

Javier Lezaun

Associate Professor in the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography and ...

Cherry Lim

Post-doctoral researcher

Direk Limmathurotsakul

Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

Cecilia Lindgren

Professor of Genomic Endocrinology & Metabolism, Nuffield Department of ...

Xinxue Liu

Associate Professor of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology

Cesar Lopez-Camacho

RNA Technology Programme Leader

Yoel Lubell

Professor of Global Health

Eliya Lucks

Communications Officer (Research)

Peter Macharia

Postdoc in spatial epidemiology

Calman MacLennan

Professor of Vaccine Immunology (University of Birmingham)

Calman MacLennan

Professor of Vaccine Immunology (University of Birmingham)

Sloan Mahone

Associate Professor of the History of Medicine

Marta Maia

Associate Professor

Martin Maiden

Professor of Molecular Epidemiology and Section Head of Microbiology & ...

Michuki Maina

Honorary Visiting Research Fellow

Kathryn Maitland

Principal Investigator

Kiran Kaur Manku

DPhil Student of Clinical Medicine

David Mant

Emeritus Professor of General Practice

Kevin Marsh

Professor of Tropical Medicine

Vicki Marsh

Associate Professor

James Masters

Clinical Lecturer in Trauma and Orthopaedics

Nayanika Mathur

Professor of Anthropology and South Asian Studies

Philippa Matthews


Richard Maude

Professor of Tropical Medicine

Mayfong Mayxay

Vice-President of the Lao University of Health Sciences, Ministry of Health

Veena Mazarello Paes

Research Fellow in Global Health

Mark McCarthy


Rose McGready

Professor of Tropical Maternal and Child Health

Jacob McKnight

Associate Professor

Angela Mclean

Professor of Mathematical Biology

Barney McManigal

Senior Communications and Engagement Manager