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Cai Heath

Researcher in Health Ethics and DPhil Candidate

Joris Hemelaar

Associate Professor

Carl Heneghan

Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine

Tran Hien

Visiting Professor in Tropical Medicine

Adrian Hill


Jennifer Hill

Senior Project Manager

Julia Hippisley-Cox

Jane Hirst

Visiting Professor in Global Women's Health

Richard Hoglund

Head of Pharmacometrics

Georg Holländer

Hoffmann and Action Medical Research Professor of Developmental Medicine

Deirdre Hollingsworth

Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

Rury Holman

Emeritus Professor of Diabetic Medicine

Rob Hope

Professor of Water Policy

Peter Horby

Moh Family Foundation Professor of Emerging Infections and Global Health

Joshua Hordern

Professor of Christian Ethics

Elisabeth Hsu

Professor of Anthropology

David Hunter

Richard Doll Professor of Epidemiology and Medicine; Director, Translational ...

Rob Iliffe

Professor of the History of Science

Mallika Imwong

Malariologist at Mahidol Department of Molecular Tropical Medicine and Genetics

Rebecca Inglis

DPhil Student of Clinical Medicine

Euzebiusz Jamrozik

Postdoctoral Fellow

Anant Jani

Oxford Martin Fellow

Vivekanand Jha

Professor of Nephrology; Executive Director, The George Institute for Global ...

Marina Jirotka

Professor of Human Centred Computing

Caroline Jones

Associate Professor

Gabriel Jones

Lead Researcher

Seilesh Kadambari

Clinical Lecturer in Paediatrics

Dorcas Kamuya

Wellcome fellow

Melissa Kapulu

Associate Professor

Jahirul Karim

Research Physician

Abhilasha Karkey

Associate Professor

Jane Kaye

Director of the Centre for Law, Health and Emerging Technologies at Oxford: ...

Dominic Kelly

BRC Consultant in Paediatrics and Vaccinology.

Stephen Kennedy

Professor of Reproductive Medicine and Director of the Oxford Maternal and ...

Kalynn Kennon

IDDO Head of Data Engineering

David Kerr

Programme Manager

Evelyne Kestelyn

Head of the Clinical Trials Unit

Thomas Kesteman

Clinical Microbiologist

Tim Key

Professor of Epidemiology & Deputy Director, CEU

Sara Khalid

Associate Professor of Health Informatics and Biomedical Data Science

Patricia Kingori

Professor of Global Health Ethics

Samson Kinyanjui

Associate Professor

Eben Kirksey

Associate Professor of Anthropology

Paul Klenerman

Sidney Truelove Professor of Gastroenterology

Marian Knight

Director NPEU, Professor of Maternal and Child Population Health

Moritz Kraemer

Associate Professor of Computational and Genomic Epidemiology

Barbara Kronsteiner-Dobramysl

Senior Postdoctoral Scientist