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Apply for funding to work with researchers in Japan in the field of engineering biology for novel therapies and diagnostics research. They are looking for internationally competitive, full-scale collaborative and innovative partnerships. You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for MRC funding. You must submit a parallel joint application.


This initiative will provide funding for up to three collaborative research projects. In total, MRC will make up to £3 million available in support of the UK components. Approximately 158 million JPY, in total for the three year period per research project, will be provided by the AMED in support of the planned Japanese research.

MRC will fund eligible costs applicable to the UK research requested by the UK project lead.

MRC will fund 80% of the full economic cost and 100% of permitted exceptions, related to the UK research costs.

The Japan-based project lead and associated costs for Japan-based research will be funded by AMED.


For support under this funding opportunity, applicants and organisations must be eligible to apply for funding from their respective country’s funding agency.


Find out more about the UK Japan Engineering Biology for Novel Therapies and Diagnostics Research Collaboration.