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The programme promotes interdisciplinary approaches to research, including, but not limited to, collaborations between clinical, health economics, statistics, qualitative and social sciences disciplines. RIGHT runs one or two  funding calls a year on commissioned topics in applied health research. Previous NIHR RIGHT calls have been focussed on multimorbidity, mental health, epilepsy, infection-related cancers, severe stigmatising skin diseases and cardiovascular disease.


Typically awards funding of £1-5 million (maximum of £5 million) for research with a duration of 3-5 years.


Principal Investigator (Lead Applicant) employed by an LMIC HEI or Research Institute; or by a Principal Investigator employed by a UK HEI or Research Institute (UK Joint Lead Applicant) to jointly lead with a Principal Investigator employed by an LMIC HEI or Research Institute (LMIC Joint Lead Applicant).


General information on NIHR RIGHT funding