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A multi-country analysis of COVID-19 hospitalizations by vaccination status.

Journal article

Gonçalves BP. et al, (2023), Med, 4, 797 - 812.e2

Characteristics and outcomes of an international cohort of 600 000 hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

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Kartsonaki C. et al, (2023), Int J Epidemiol, 52, 355 - 376

Neurological manifestations of COVID-19 in adults and children.

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Cho S-M. et al, (2023), Brain, 146, 1648 - 1661

Liver injury in hospitalized patients with COVID-19: An International observational cohort study.

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Tirupakuzhi Vijayaraghavan BK. et al, (2023), PLoS One, 18

Association of body mass index with COVID-19 related in-hospital death.

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Bouziotis J. et al, (2022), Clin Nutr, 41, 2924 - 2926

Paediatric COVID-19 mortality: a database analysis of the impact of health resource disparity.

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Marwali EM. et al, (2022), BMJ Paediatr Open, 6

ISARIC-COVID-19 dataset: A Prospective, Standardized, Global Dataset of Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19.

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ISARIC Clinical Characterization Group None. et al, (2022), Sci Data, 9

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