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Prediction of Fetal Blood Pressure during Labour with Deep Learning Techniques

Journal article

Tolladay J. et al, (2023), Bioengineering, 10, 775 - 775

Multimodal Deep Learning for Predicting Adverse Birth Outcomes Based on Early Labour Data.

Journal article

Asfaw D. et al, (2023), Bioengineering (Basel), 10

Fetal heart rate responses in chronic hypoxaemia with superimposed repeated hypoxaemia consistent with early labour: a controlled study in fetal sheep

Journal article

Lear CA. et al, (2023), BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Predelivery placenta-associated biomarkers and computerized intrapartum fetal heart rate patterns

Journal article

Bowe S. et al, (2023), AJOG Global Reports, 3, 100149 - 100149

Fetal Heart Rate Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks and the Effect of Gap Imputation on Their Performance

Conference paper

Asfaw D. et al, (2023), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13810 LNCS, 459 - 469