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Cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying bipolar disorder (BD) and its treatment are still poorly understood. Here we examined the role of adaptations in risk-taking using a reward-guided decision-making task. We recruited volunteers with high (n = 40) scores on the Mood Disorder Questionnaire, MDQ, suspected of high risk for bipolar disorder and those with low-risk scores (n = 37). We also recruited patients diagnosed with BD who were assigned (randomized, double-blind) to six weeks of lithium (n = 19) or placebo (n = 16) after a two-week baseline period (n = 22 for FMRI). Participants completed mood ratings daily over 50 (MDQ study) or 42 (BD study) days, as well as a risky decision-making task and functional magnetic resonance imaging. The task measured adaptation of risk taking to past outcomes (increased risk aversion after a previous win vs. loss, 'outcome history'). While the low MDQ group was risk averse after a win, this was less evident in the high MDQ group and least so in the patients with BD. During fMRI, 'outcome history' was linked to medial frontal pole activation at the time of the decision and this activation was reduced in the high risk MDQ vs. the low risk MDQ group. While lithium did not reverse the pattern of BD in the task, nor changed clinical symptoms of mania or depression, it changed reward processing in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Participants' modulation of risk-taking in response to reward outcomes was reduced as a function of risk for BD and diagnosed BD. These results provide a model for how reward may prime escalation of risk-related behaviours in bipolar disorder and how mood stabilising treatments may work.

Original publication




Journal article


Mol Psychiatry

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