A service evaluation of the implementation of a novel digital intervention for hypertension self-monitoring and management system in primary care (SHIP): protocol for a mixed methods study.
Smith A., Tucker KL., Barnes RK., Drakesmith CW., Agwunobi A., Bateman PA., Forbes A., de Lusignan S., Ford GA., Fujiwara T., Hobbs FDR., Koshiaris C., Mant J., McKinstry B., Pollock S., Rice C., Yang Y., McManus RJ.
BACKGROUND: Hypertension is a key risk factor for death and disability, and blood pressure reduction is associated with significant reductions in cardiovascular risk. Large trials have shown that interventions including self-monitoring of blood pressure can reduce blood pressure but real-world data from wider implementation are lacking. AIM: The self-monitoring and management service evaluation in primary care (SHIP) study will evaluate a novel digital intervention for hypertension management and medication titration platform ("Hypertension-Plus") that is currently undergoing initial implementation into primary care in several parts of the UK. METHODS AND ANALYSES: The study will use a mixed methods approach including both quantitative analysis of anonymised electronic health record data and qualitative analyses of interview and customer support log data. Pseudonymised data will be extracted from electronic health records and outcomes compared between those using the digital intervention and their own historical data, as well as to those not registered to the system. The primary outcome will be difference in systolic blood pressure in the 12 months before and after implementation. A further analysis will utilise self-monitored blood pressure data from the Hypertension-Plus system itself. Semi-structured qualitative interviews will be completed with implementation and clinical leads, staff and patients in six general practices located in two different geographical areas in England. Informed by the non-adoption, abandonment, scale-up, spread, and sustainability (NASSS) framework, our analysis will identify the challenges to successful implementation and sustainability of the digital intervention in routine clinical practice and in patients' homes. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The analyses of pseudonymised data were assessed by the sponsor (The University of Oxford) as service evaluation not requiring individual consent and hence did not require ethical approval. Ethics approval for the qualitative analyses was provided by Wales REC 4 (21/WA/0280) and individual written informed consent will be gained for all participants. Results will be published in peer-reviewed journals, presented at national and international conferences and disseminated via patient and health service organisations. DISCUSSION: This study will provide an in-depth analysis of the impact and acceptance of initial implementation of a novel digital intervention, enhancing our understanding and supporting more effective implementation of telemonitoring based hypertension management systems for blood pressure control in England.