Nonparametric Boundary Geometry in Physics Informed Deep Learning
Cameron S., Pretorius A., Roberts S.
Engineering design problems frequently require solving systems of partial differential equations with boundary conditions specified on object geometries in the form of a triangular mesh. These boundary geometries are provided by a designer and are problem dependent. The efficiency of the design process greatly benefits from fast turnaround times when repeatedly solving PDEs on various geometries. However, most current work that uses machine learning to speed up the solution process relies heavily on a fixed parameterization of the geometry, which cannot be changed after training. This severely limits the possibility of reusing a trained model across a variety of design problems. In this work, we propose a novel neural operator architecture which accepts boundary geometry, in the form of triangular meshes, as input and produces an approximate solution to a given PDE as output. Once trained, the model can be used to rapidly estimate the PDE solution over a new geometry, without the need for retraining or representation of the geometry with a pre-specified parameterization.