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After PhD studies at the University of Toronto, and postdoctoral work in London, Alan worked at the Ontario Cancer Institute and then the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute (eventually as Director of Research). As inaugural president of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR; 2000-2007), he led the transformation of health research in Canada and an almost tripling of the budget for health research. He then was named executive director of the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise (2008-2012). Since 2012, Alan has been president of CIFAR, Canada's global research institute, where he has led major initiatives to increase CIFAR's programs of research and global impact, and launched new programs to nurture the world's next generation of researchers. Author of 250 scientific and 50 op-ed and lay publications, Alan has received numerous awards and honors, including induction into the Orders of Canada and Ontario, honorary degrees, the Gairdner Wightman Award, induction into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame and the Henry Friesen International Prize.

Original publication




Journal article


Clin Invest Med

Publication Date





9 - 10


Awards and Prizes, Biomedical Research, Canada, Ontario