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BACKGROUND: This study explores the factors influencing patients and caregivers' adherence to prescription of healthcare workers (HCWs). METHODS: The study was conducted in Temnaore and Pella, in the Nanoro health district in Burkina Faso. HCWs and community members were purposively recruited from 4 communities seeking care at the selected primary healthcare facilities for the clinical trial to attend in-depth interviews and focus group discussions on the factors influencing adherence to prescription. The Behaviour Change Wheel incorporating the Capability, Opportunity, and Motivation Behaviour approach was used. RESULTS: Factors influencing the ability of patients to obtain the prescribed medicine include the availability of medicines and money and the perception of consequences for not getting the medicine. Regarding compliance with the intake of medicines, communication was considered a key factor whose effectiveness depends on the performance of HCWs and on the attention of patients. It is followed by other factors such as adequate management of patients, social influences, the patient's beliefs regarding treatment, and memory. CONCLUSIONS: This research highlights factors influencing adherence to HCWs' prescription from the perspective of the community members and HCWs and therefore provides contextual enablers and barriers, which allows for the development of an intervention to support the clinical trial.

Original publication




Journal article


Clin Infect Dis

Publication Date





S171 - S181


adherence to prescription, qualitative research, ‌primary health care facility, Humans, Burkina Faso, Health Personnel, Focus Groups, Patient Compliance, Primary Health Care, Qualitative Research