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Rachel Belt


DPhil Student & Student Committee President

  • PI Group: Dr. Kazem Rahimi, Dr. Samuel Cai

Improved digital health research methods to address equity for residents of informal settlements


I am a DPhil student in the Nuffield Department of Women’s and Reproductive Health supervised by Dr. Kazem Rahimi. 

My research and professional interests focus on reaching vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations with health services. My DPhil research will improve methods for digital research in informal settlements and study how the inclusion of hard-to-reach population can improve health equity. 

I studied Political Science at Columbia University and have a Masters in Humanitarian Health Programme Management from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. In the last 15 years, I have worked in global public health for Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance - COVAX, the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, Doctors Without Borders, the Haitian Government and the Medical Research Council in Haiti, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Somalia and Pakistan.