Rachel Belt
DPhil Student & Student Committee President
- PI Group: Dr. Kazem Rahimi, Dr. Samuel Cai
Improved digital health research methods to address equity for residents of informal settlements
I am a DPhil student in the Nuffield Department of Women’s and Reproductive Health supervised by Dr. Kazem Rahimi.
My research and professional interests focus on reaching vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations with health services. My DPhil research will improve methods for digital research in informal settlements and study how the inclusion of hard-to-reach population can improve health equity.
I studied Political Science at Columbia University and have a Masters in Humanitarian Health Programme Management from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. In the last 15 years, I have worked in global public health for Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance - COVAX, the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, Doctors Without Borders, the Haitian Government and the Medical Research Council in Haiti, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Somalia and Pakistan.
Recent publications
Providing healthcare under the threat of gang-violence: a survey of Haitian healthcare providers.
Journal article
Belt RV. et al, (2024), Confl Health, 18
Improving Equity in Urban Immunization in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Qualitative Document Review.
Journal article
Belt RV. et al, (2023), Vaccines (Basel), 11
Achieving the IA2030 Coverage and Equity Goals through a Renewed Focus on Urban Immunization.
Journal article
Dadari I. et al, (2023), Vaccines (Basel), 11
Researching the hard-to-reach: a scoping review protocol of digital health research in hidden, marginal and excluded populations.
Journal article
Belt RV. et al, (2022), BMJ Open, 12
Promoting equity in immunization coverage through supply chain design in Pakistan.
Journal article
Zameer M. et al, (2020), Gates Open Res, 4