The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major disruptions to young people’s lives in many ways and been associated with changes in their mental health symptoms, such as increases in symptoms of behavioural and attentional difficulties at times of peak restrictions.
Researchers from the University of Oxford (UK) and the National Center for Child Health and Development (Japan) worked with young people from the UK and Japan to co-design an infographic with recommendations for supporting young people’s mental health in public health emergency situations and beyond, based on experiences and research findings from the COVID-19 pandemic.
During this project, 28 young people (12-21-years-old) from the UK and Japan took part in the project as co-researchers. The co-researchers were at the heart of the project at every stage. They played a leading role in co-designing the research, interviewing other young people and adults, analysing the findings, and developing the recommendations for policy makers, which were then presented in the infographic.
Read the full story on the Department of Psychiatry website.