The importance of microbiology reference laboratories and adequate funding for infectious disease surveillance.
Shaw D., Torreblanca RA., Amin-Chowdhury Z., Bautista A., Bennett D., Broughton K., Casanova C., Choi EH., Claus H., Corcoran M., Cottrell S., Cunney R., Cuypers L., Dalby T., Davies H., de Gouveia L., Deghmane A-E., Desmet S., Domenech M., Drew R., Plessis MD., Duarte C., Fuursted K., Golden A., Almeida SCG., Henares D., Henriques-Normark B., Hilty M., Hoffmann S., Humphreys H., Jacobsson S., Johnson C., Jolley KA., Kawabata A., Kozakova J., Kristinsson KG., Krizova P., Kuch A., Ladhani S., Lâm T-T., Ayala MEL., Lindholm L., Litt D., Maiden MCJ., Martin I., Martiny D., Mattheus W., McCarthy ND., Meehan M., Meiring S., Mölling P., Morfeldt E., Morgan J., Mulhall R., Muñoz-Almagro C., Murdoch D., Musilek M., Novakova L., Oftadeh S., Perez-Arguello A., Pérez-Vázquez MD., Perrin M., Prevost B., Roberts M., Rokney A., Ron M., Sanabria OM., Scott KJ., Sempere J., Siira L., de Lemos APS., Sintchenko V., Skoczyńska A., Slotved H-C., Smith AJ., Taha M-K., Toropainen M., Tzanakaki G., Vainio A., van der Linden MPG., van Sorge NM., Varon E., Moreno JV., Vohrnova S., von Gottberg A., Yuste J., Brueggemann AB.
Microbiology reference laboratories perform a crucial role within public health systems. This role was especially evident during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this Viewpoint, we emphasise the importance of microbiology reference laboratories and highlight the types of digital data and expertise they provide, which benefit national and international public health. We also highlight the value of surveillance initiatives among collaborative international partners, who work together to share, analyse, and interpret data, and then disseminate their findings in a timely manner. Microbiology reference laboratories have substantial impact at regional, national, and international levels, and sustained support for these laboratories is essential for public health in both pandemic and non-pandemic times.