Figure 1 from Associations between Dietary Patterns and Incident Colorectal Cancer in 114,443 Individuals from the UK Biobank: A Prospective Cohort Study
Skulsky SL., Koutoukidis DA., Carter JL., Piernas C., Jebb SA., Gao M., Astbury NM.
<p>Sequential stratification/adjustments to the model comparing the risk of incident colorectal cancer associated with DP1 and DP2. Top, sequential changes to the HRs for quintiles 5 versus 1 for DP1 and DP2. Bottom, sequential changes to the HRs for DP1 and DP2 <i>z</i>-scores in continuous form. The <i>X</i>-axis represents HRs on the log-scale. CIs were obtained using the floating absolute risk method (<a href="#bib34" target="_blank">34</a>). χ<sup>2</sup> and <i>P</i> values were calculated by likelihood ratio tests to assess the heterogeneity in the associations with sequential adjustments for covariates. Behavioral factors included smoking status, physical activity level (MET-hours/week), and total energy intake (ln-kJ). SES* comprises TDI and educational attainment. Models were stratified by covariates violating the proportional hazards assumption: physical activity, family history of colorectal cancer, education, and BMI. SES, socioeconomic status.</p>