Diagnostic accuracy of a non-invasive spot-check hemoglobin meter, Masimo Rad-67® pulse CO-Oximeter®, in detection of anemia in antenatal care settings in Kenya.
Koech A., Mwaniki I., Mutunga J., Mukhanya M., Mwadime E., Ochieng M., Mwashigadi G., Mistry HD., Craik R., von Dadelszen P., Temmerman M., Luchters S., Omuse G., PRECISE Network None.
BACKGROUND: Point of care hemoglobin meters play key roles in increasing access to anemia screening in antenatal care especially in settings with limited access to laboratories. We aimed to determine the diagnostic accuracy of a non-invasive spot-check hemoglobin (SpHb) meter, Masimo Rad-67® Pulse CO-Oximeter®, in the diagnosis of anemia in pregnant women attending antenatal care clinics in Kilifi, Kenya. METHODS: This was a diagnostic accuracy study that retrospectively evaluated SpHb against a validated reference standard of laboratory assessed hemoglobin (Lab Hb) by a SYSMEX XN-330 automated hematology analyzer. The study was nested within a prospective pregnancy cohort study that recruited unselected pregnant women from antenatal care clinics in two public hospitals in Kilifi County, coastal Kenya. Records with both SpHb and Lab Hb were selected from pregnancy visits between May 2021 and December 2022. Linear regression and Bland-Altman analysis were performed to compare the two tests and diagnostic accuracy parameters obtained for the diagnosis of anemia. RESULTS: A total of 2,975 records (from 2,203 unique participants), with paired SpHb and Lab Hb were analyzed. Linear regression showed a significant but weak positive correlation, a proportional bias of 0.44 (95% CI 0.41-0.47) and a constant of 7.59 (95% CI 7.30-7.87, p