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BACKGROUND: Valid, reliable and cross-cultural equivalent scales and measurement instruments that enable comparisons across diverse populations in different countries are important for global health research and practice. We developed a 10-step framework through a scoping review of the common strategies and techniques used for scale development and validation in a cross-cultural, multi-lingual, or multi-country setting, especially in health care research. METHODS: We searched MEDLINE, Embase, and PsycINFO for peer-reviewed studies that collected data from two or more countries or in two or more languages at any stages of scale development or validation and published between 2010-22. We categorised the techniques into three commonly used scale development and validation stages (item generation, scale development, and scale evaluation) as well as during the translation stage. We described the most commonly used techniques at each stage. RESULTS: We identified 141 studies that were included in the analysis. We summarised 14 common techniques and strategies, including focus groups or interviews with diverse target populations, and involvement of measurement experts and linguists for item content validity expert panel at the item generation stage; back-and-forth translation, collaborative team approach for the translation stage; cognitive interviews and different recruitment strategies and incentives in different settings for scale development stage; and three approaches for measurement invariance (multigroup confirmatory factor analysis, differential item functioning and multiple indicator multiple causes) for scale evaluation stage. CONCLUSIONS: We provided a 10-step framework for cross-cultural, multi-lingual or multi-country scale development and validation based on these techniques and strategies. More research and synthesis are needed to make scale development more culturally competent and enable scale application to better meet local health and development needs.

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Journal article


J Glob Health

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Humans, Health Services Research, Cross-Cultural Comparison, Reproducibility of Results, Psychometrics