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This data was created as a secondary analysis of MSP Cohort Data (trial registration number NCT02797327). The study protocol can be found doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023417 and the first description of the cohort profile can be found doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2020-041631. This cohort aimed to follow Karen and Burmese women from prospectively throughout pregnancy, at delivery and until 3 months post partum with serial high-frequency sampling to assess whole blood transcriptomics and microbiome composition of the gut, vagina and oral cavity, in conjunction with assessment of gene expression and microbial colonisation of gestational tissue. At the time of data deposit samples are still being analyzed but this cohort, the first in marginalized populations to be systematically screened for diabetes on the Thailand Myanmar border was analyzed to review current clinical practice for screening of gestational diabetes mellitus.

Original publication






University of Oxford

Publication Date



Symphysis-fundal height measurements, MSP Cohort, Oral glucose tolerance test, Risk-factor-based screening, Maternal and neonatal anthropometry, Gestational diabetes mellitus, Thin-diabetic, HAPO trial, Migrants