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Raw data was created and processed in 2017 – 2018 and used for the scientific paper: 'Pyridine as an additive to improve the deposition of continuous electrospun filaments.’ Viscosity data were created using the software associated with a rotational viscometer Viscopad R and TR8 spindle (Fungilab, Barcelona, Spain). Conductivity data were created using the software associated with SevenCompact S230 conductivity meter (Mettler Toledo, Leicester, UK). Tensile test data were created using the TestXpert software, associated with the Zwick tensile machine (Zwick Roell Group, Ulm, Germany). SEM images were taken using the software associated with an electron scanning microscope (SEM, Zeiss, EVO LS15, Oberkochen, Germany) and measurements were taken using the ImageJ software. Other data, such as drawing ratio and deposition length, were measured/calculated by operators and no software was used.

Original publication






University of Oxford

Publication Date
