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We run a course in health econometrics two times per year.  This course will serve as an introduction to some of the concepts and principles in the economics of health and health care. It will provide an in-depth understanding of the tools usually used by health economists to address issues of health policy.

Apply here:

Dr Catia Nicodemo

Associate Professor in Health Economics

  • Professor in Health Economics, Brunel Unversity of London
  • Member of Review Panel of NIHR Predoc
  • CRES Research Fellow, UPF, Spain
  • IZA Research Fellow, Germany
  • Health Economics, Data Analysis, Labour Economics, NHS Workforce, Econometrics, Statistics, Cost-Effectiveness, Vaccines
  • Consulting for Moderna, AstraZeneca, KholPharma

My research interests are:

  • GPs Workforce
  • Health Economics
  • Medical Education
  • Applied Micro-Econometrics
  • Health Services and Public Health
  • Labour Economics
  • Big Data
  • ORCHID, CPRD and QResearch Data

I am working on the following projects:

GP workforce, ARRS roles,  Primary care data, Multimorbidity, Workload, Immigration, Maternal mental health, Children health outcomes


Moderna: RSV Vaccination and Health Economics Cost

CARPE: ARRS roles in primary care

NIHR: Emergency Department and waiting Time

SPRC: Multimorbidity and inequality

ESRC: Maternal Mental Health

NHIR:  Hospitals resilience during winter pressure

Horizon-2020: Immigration and health

I am looking for talented and energetic students to supervise their master or PhD projects.  If you're interested, send me an email.