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Despite their central role in achieving health equity and Universal Health Coverage, only a minority of community health workers (CHWs) is formally recognised as health workforce and receives a salary. Community health policies are formed within the power dynamics of global health practice. We argue that critical investigations of the power dynamics that influence the design of CHW programmes can contribute system-level insights to strengthen their roles.We present a national-level case study of the Liberian Community Health Assistant programme as an exemplar case of successfully introducing a nationwide CHW policy that professionalises CHWs. Using a theory of how power is exercised (Steven Lukes) for our analysis, we argue that Liberia's success in overcoming external funder push-back on the payment of CHWs was enabled by strong political commitment and (re-)claiming government authority in and outside of decision-making processes. Consensus-building across government departments strengthened the government's decision-making power. The availability and strategic use of suitable and contextualised evidence focused on the rights of CHWs allowed for proactive engagement with external funders' concerns. To draw on learnings from the experience of Liberia, we recommend looking beyond the common effectiveness-oriented narratives in academic literature that focus on CHW's functional role. By focussing on how power is exerted through policy negotiations around professionalisation, it could be possible to reframe conventional approaches to the role of CHW in other contexts as well.

Original publication




Journal article


BMJ Glob Health

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Global Health, Health policy, Health systems, Liberia, Humans, Community Health Workers, Health Policy, Liberia, Professional Role