Abnormality of type IX collagen in a patient with diastrophic dysplasia.
Diab M., Wu JJ., Shapiro F., Eyre D.
There is growing evidence that a spectrum of chondrodysplasias are caused by mutations in the gene coding for type II collagen. The basic molecular defect in diastrophic dysplasia has not been defined, but it appears not to be in collagen type II. Cartilage contains other tissue-specific collagens, types IX, X, and XI, but no mutations have yet been found in their genes in clinical disease. Type IX collagen is hypothesized to play a role in the regulation of type II collagen fibril organization and structure in cartilage extracellular matrix. In this study, we have examined iliac crest growth cartilage from a patient with diastrophic dysplasia. Although collagen fibrils were markedly increased in diameter on transmission electron microscopy, type II collagen appeared to be normal biochemically. Type XI collagen was also normal. However, type IX collagen appeared abnormal on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with a pronounced excess of the COL1 domain of the molecule in pepsin extracts. The findings point to an abnormality in structure or metabolism of type IX collagen in diastrophic dysplasia.