BACKGROUND: Alcohol consumption is a leading cause of premature death globally, but there is no large-scale prospective evidence from Mexico. METHODS: The Mexico City Prospective Study recruited 150 000 adults aged 35 years or older between 1998 and 2004. Participants were followed up until Oct 1, 2022 for cause-specific mortality. Cox regression in those with no self-reported chronic disease at entry (adjusted for age, sex, district, education, physical activity, smoking, and diabetes) was used to relate baseline-reported alcohol consumption (never, former, occasional [less than monthly], and regular [at least monthly, split into <70, ≥70 to <140, ≥140 to <210, and ≥210 g/week]) to mortality at ages 35-74 from all causes, and from a pre-specified alcohol-related set of underlying causes. Heavy episodic drinking (normally consuming >5 [men] or >4 [women] drinks on a single occasion) and type of preferred drink were also examined. FINDINGS: Among 138 413 participants aged 35-74 years at recruitment, 21 136 (15%) were regular alcohol drinkers (14 863 [33%] men, 6273 [7%] women), of whom 13 383 (63%) favoured spirits and 6580 (31%) favoured beer. During follow-up, there were 13 889 deaths at ages 35-74 years, including 3067 deaths from the pre-specified alcohol-related causes. Overall, J-shaped associations with mortality were observed. Compared with occasional drinkers, those with baseline-reported consumption ≥210 g/week had 43% higher all-cause mortality (rate ratio [RR] 1·43 [95% CI 1·30-1·56]) and nearly three times the mortality from the pre-specified alcohol-related causes (2·77 [2·39-3·20]). Death from liver disease was strongly related to alcohol consumption; the RR comparing regular drinkers of ≥140 g/week with occasional drinkers was 4·03 (3·36-4·83). Compared with occasional light drinking, occasional heavy episodic drinking was associated with 20% higher alcohol-related mortality (1·20 [1·06-1·35]), and regular heavy episodic drinking was associated with 89% higher alcohol-related mortality (1·89 [1·67-2·15]). Drinks with alcohol percentages higher than spirits were associated with the greatest increased mortality risk, even after accounting for the total alcohol consumed. INTERPRETATION: In this Mexican population, higher alcohol consumption, episodic drinking, and very high percentage alcoholic products were all associated with increased mortality. FUNDING: Wellcome Trust, the Mexican Health Ministry, the National Council of Science and Technology for Mexico, Cancer Research UK, British Heart Foundation, and the UK Medical Research Council. TRANSLATION: For the Spanish translation of the abstract see Supplementary Materials section.
Journal article
Lancet Public Health
e907 - e915
Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Female, Prospective Studies, Mexico, Adult, Alcohol Drinking, Aged, Cause of Death